Conditions of the competition.
IX International competition for young violinists

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

M.I. Glinka Novosibirsk State Conservatory

Government of Novosibirsk Oblast

Municipality of Novosibirsk


19-28 November, Novosibirsk


  1. Аpplication order

1.1. Musicians between the ages of 11 and 22 are eligible to participate in the Competition (the age of the participants is determined by the date of November 19, 2019). The Competition is held in two age groups:

junior – from 11 to 16 years of age;

senior – from 17 to 22 years of age.

1.2. The application will be considered by the Organizing Committee, sent no later than September 05, 2019 by mail or e-mail. The following documents are to be submitted:

–  birth certificate (copy), passport or another document substituting them;

–  certificate of musical education (copy);

–  curriculum vitae (with indication of the principal teachers);

–  detailed creative characteristics, certified by the Chief of the educational establishment or the letters of recommendation from two prominent musicians;

–  CD or DVD recorded:

1) of any classical composition,

2) of any masterly composition;

–  – digital portrait photo in *.jpg or *.tif format with the minimum resolution of 300 dpi or two black and white photos printed on 13×18 cm matte paper and signed on the back side (they will be used for publishing of the booklet).

1.3. Receiving of the documents: by e-mail:

For the participants from Russia and the countries of  UIS (the former USSR) to the address: Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatoire, the Organizing Committee of the Com­peti­tion, St. Sovjetskaja, 31, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia. Phone: (383) 222-56-87. Fax: (383) 223-95-37. For the participants from the other countries – to the address: Yuryvorsitzender des Wettbe­werbs, Professor Z. Bron, Dagobertstrasse, 38, Musikhochschule, 50668, Köln, Germany.

1.4. Notification of your participation in the Competition will be sent to you no later than October 5, 2019.

1.5. The application fee for each participant of the Competition is paid in the day of their arrival in the sum of 4000 roubles.

  1. Order of the competition conducting


2.1. Famous musicians from different countries of the world will be invited to take part in the work of the jury of the Competition. The Chairman of the jury is the People’s  Artist of Russia, Professor of some foreign Musical Academies, Professor of the Novosibirsk State Conservatoire Zakhar Bron (Russia).

2.2. The performance sessions are open to the public. The Competition will be held in three rounds: two preliminary and the final one. All works are to be performed from memory.

2.3. The order of the performing in the Competition is determined by drawing lots in each age group and remains unchanged to the end of the Competition.

2.4. No more than a half of the participants in the first round will be admitted to the second round from each age group, who’s got no less than 18 points at the 25-pointed estimated system.

2.5. Six violinists from each age group, who have got the greatest number of points, will be admitted to the third, final round. The Organizing Committee may decide that the participants of the round will perform only particular parts of the violin concerto (I or II-III).

2.6. The final placing and awards will be decided by open ballot for each contestant after the third round as a result of discussion of the jury. The decision of the jury is final.

2.7. Each participant of the first and the second rounds will be provided with the opportunity of the acoustic rehearsal in the Hall of Audition (no more than 15 min); as far as the finalists are concerned, they can have one rehearsal with the Symphony Orchestra, besides the participants of the Competition will be given a room for everyday practical training.

2.8. If it is necessary the Organizing Committee will provide the contestants with a highly-qualified accompanist.

2.9. The Organizing Committee reserves all the rights on broad­casting and television the competition auditions and concerts as well as to make recordings and distribution of audio and video materials of the Competition without paying extra fees for the participants.


  1. Prizes and awards

3.1. The Organizing Committee of the IX International Competition for young violinists offers the following prizes:

junior group:

I prize – 50000 roubles,

II prize – 35000 roubles,

III prize – 25000 roubles.

senior group:

I prize – 65000 roubles,

II prize – 50000 roubles,

III prize – 40000 roubles.


3.2. The participants, got prize-places, will be given the titles of the laureates of the Competition.

3.3. The participants of the third round, who haven’t got the prize-places, will be given the titles of the diplomants of the Competi­tion and a prize in the sum
of 6500 roubles – in junior group and 10000 roubles – in senior group.

3.4. The jury of the Competition has the right:

–   to award not all the prizes and diplomas;

–   to share one prize between the participants;

–   to award the diplomas for the best performing of a separate items of the competitive program as well as to the best participants of the second round who won’t be admitted to the final round;

–   to give diplomas to the best teachers;

–   to give diplomas to the best accompanists.

3.5. There will be special prizes, given by different Russian and foreign organizations, companies and private persons. The winners of the Competition will have the opportunity to perform with concerts in Europe.

In case of controversy over the conditions of the IX International Competition for young violinists, the Russian text will be absolutely above.

You can find more detailed information on the site of Novosibirsk State Conservatory:

Enclosure № 1

Program of the Competition

The junior group (11–16 years of age)

Round I

  1. One of the compositions for violin solo (according to the participant’s choice):

Geminiani          – Sonata B-dur

Telemann           – one of the 12 Fantasias

Biber                  – Passacaglia

Bach                   – Allemanda, Corrente, Sarabanda and Giga from the Partita d-moll

Bach                   – Preludio Loure, Gavotte from the Partita E-dur.


  1. One of the Caprices (a free choice):

Wieniawski        – op. 18, № 2, 3, 4, 5


Paganini             – op. 1.


  1. Composition of the country which the participant represents (duration not more than 10 min).


  1. One of Tchaikovsky’s pieces: «Melody» or «Meditation».

Round II


  1. One of the sonatas for violin and piano:









  1. Masterly composition (duration not more than 20 min).


  1. The obligatory composition (the music will be sent to the participants of the Competition, selected according to the results of the recording audition).


Round III


  1. Concerto for violin with orchestra (a free choice):


Vieuxtemps        – № 5

Bruch                 – № 1

Mendelssohn      – e-moll

Wieniawski        – № 2

Saint-Saёns         – № 3

The senior group (17–22 years of age)

Round  I

  1. Bach (a free choice):

–   Sonata g-moll for violin solo (I, II movements)

–   Sonata a-moll for violin solo (I, II movements)

–   Sonata C-dur for violin solo (I, II movements)

–   Ciaccona from the Partita d-moll for violin solo.


  1. One of the Caprices (a free choice):

Paganini             – one of the Caprices op. 1


Wieniawski        – op. 10, № 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.


  1. Composition of the country which the participant represents (duration not more than 10 min).


  1. One of Tchaikovsky’s pieces: Scherzo or Waltz-scherzo.


Round  II


  1. The second or the third movement from the following concertоs by Mozart (a free choice): № 3 G-dur, K. 216; № 4 D-dur, K. 218; № 5 A-dur, K. 219.
  2. One of the sonatas for violin and piano (according to the participant’s choice):
    Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert op.137 D-dur, a-moll, g-moll; Duo in
    A-dur op. 162.
  3. One of the masterly compositions:

Wieniawski          – Polonaise № 1, 2

– Variations to the original theme

– Fantasia to the themes of the opera «Faust» by Gounod

Ravel                   – Gipsy dance

Sarasate               – Fantasia to the themes of the opera «Car­men» by Bizet

Saint-Saёns          – Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso

– Havanaise

– Etude in Waltz-form

Szymanowski       – Notturno and Tarantella

Chausson             – Poem

Paganini              – Hexels’ dance

– «I Palpiti»

– Campanella

– Introduzion, Tema con Variazioni «La molinara» di G. Paisiello

Ysaaye                 – Sonata № 6

– Sonata-ballada № 3

Waxman              – Carmen-Fantasie

Zimbalist             – Fantasia on Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera «Coq d’or».


  1. The obligatory composition (the music will be sent to the participants of the competition, selected according to the results of the recording audition).


Round  III


  1. Concerto for violin with orchestra (a free choice):

Bruch                  – № 2




Shostakovich      – № 1

Enclosure № 2


Application form

for the participation at the IX International competition
for young violinists


Last name………………………………………………………………………………..

First name………………………………………………………………………………..

Middle name……………………………………………………………………………

Year, day, month of birth…………………………………………………………..



…… what year and what educational establishment finished or studied, in what form (course)



The information about participation in performing competitions





Last name, first name, middle name of the teacher………………………..


Present occupation of the teacher………………………………………………..


Last name, first name, middle name of the accompanist…………………


Last name, first name, middle name of the accompanying person……


Home address of the participant………………………………………………….








Repertoire recorded on the CD/DVD……………………………………………


composer, full name of composition, tonality, issue, duration








Repertoire of the performing during the first and second rounds


composer, full name of composition, tonality, issue, duration







Changes in the program are prohibited.


Repertoire of the performing with the orchestra…………………………….


composer, full name of composition, tonality, issue, duration







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